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Issues of the journal The Spiritual World can be read online, free of charge.
Cover of the Journal The Spiritual World, Issue 1/2017
The Spiritual World 1/2017

What Is Created on a Small Scale Will Grow and Expand
Upward-striving human beings would like to draw nearer to God. But how can they achieve this? Symbolically speaking, the human soul can be regarded as a church of God, because nobility, refinement, truth, firm belief and the bond with God come from the bottom of the soul. In this way, human beings can cultivate their souls and visit divine fountains accompanied and supported by the spiritual world of God.

“I Go Forth in Order to Prepare a Home for You”
Human beings are creatures of God. It is God’s wish and will that they live on this earth and fulfil their tasks. However, this is difficult for them to do if they don’t understand God’s word and don’t have a true connection with him and the spiritual world. Therefore, it’s the aim of the spiritual world of God to prepare human beings for their future life and teach them about the beyond.

Issue 1/2017
E-Journal, 14 pages (PDF)